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Fully Loaded Hot Dogs

11th June 21 - 2 minute read

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Anchor Butter

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Hot dogs. We know them, love them, and we couldn’t imagine life without them. They’re the bread and butter of BBQs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t spice them up a little. If you're looking for the absolute best hot dogs recipe to blow the sandals off your guests, our fully loaded hot dogs are the answer to your prayers. But first, we look at what the best way to cook them is, and the different things to serve them with at a BBQ.

What will I need?

  • 6 thick pork sausages
  • 100g Anchor spreadable or block butter
  • 100g cheddar, grated
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 chilli, chopped
  • 6 streaky bacon rashers
  • 6 brioche finger rolls
  • Tasty toppers (optional)
  • Cheddar, grated
  • Sliced red onions
  • Nachos, crushed
  • Jalapenos

This will be enough to make 6 hot dogs.

How to cook hot dogs

  1. Get the firelighters out and the coals on - you're about to make BBQ history!
  2. Cut lengthways down the centre of each sausage like a finger roll - but only go halfway. Mix Anchor, cheddar, garlic, and chilli, then stuff the mixture down the centre of each sausage.
  3. Wrap the stuffed sausages snuggly in their bacon blankets. Quick tip - pierce a skewer lengthways down the centre of each stuffed dog to make them easier to flip!
  4. Pop on the oiled BBQ and sizzle for 15 mins until cooked (the internal temp should be 71 °C and 160 °F).
  5. Job done! Pop your dogs into their buns and get topping with cheese, onions, nachos, and jalapenos. The real question is, can you handle the heat?
  6. Show us your creations on Instagram – it’s @anchor_dairy with #AnchorBBQ !

How you make hot dogs depends on the type of sausage you’re working with. There’s a huge variety of sausages to choose from, but in British BBQs, we tend to go for the good ol’ Cumberland. These sausages, and others like them – for example, pork, chipolatas, Lincolnshire – are perfectly fine to be grilled on the BBQ. Just pop them on, add some buttery marinade, and turn them every so often until they’re lovely and golden.

However, if you prefer more of a classic American Frankfurter style hot dog, you’re probably buying your sausages in brine in a tin or jar. The best way to cook these are to boil them, but this doesn’t stop you from including them in the BBQ! Simply grab a pot or pan from the kitchen (but make sure it's safe to use on the grill!), fill it with boiled water and (carefully!) tip in your hot dogs with the brine. Pop it on your BBQ grill and enjoy once cooked!

What to serve with hot dogs

The best thing about hot dogs is that they go great with anything, but at a BBQ, thinking up side dishes isn’t always the easiest. Here are some delicious sides you can serve up with your fully loaded hot dogs:

  • Chicken and bacon pasta salad
  • Italian Caesar salad
  • Potato salad
  • Homemade coleslaw
  • Grilled corn on the cob with Cheeky Cajun Butter
  • Stuffed mushrooms

If you need more BBQ ideas, check out our ‘Best BBQ Food Ideas’ for true delicious BBQ inspiration.

Try your hand at more mouth-watering Anchor food hacks - and check out all the handy videos on our YouTube channel.

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Anchor Butter

Butter the Food Butter the Mood
